The Bohn Research Group

Welcome to the Bohn Group homepage!
The Bohn Research Group is composed primarily of chemists and chemical engineers; we have also previously hosted visitors from the fields of materials science, physics, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, and even psychology. Our research interests lie in using the tools of molecular nanotechnology to define the state-of-the-art in chemical analysis of mass-limited samples. Relying on a strong background in nanofabrication, high sensitivity molecular spectroscopy, and electrochemistry, we focus on problems in the areas of (1) low-dimensional analytical electronics and photonics, and (2) sensors and imaging.
Demographically, we are a diverse microcosm of the world, with researchers and group alumni from the US, India, Korea, China, and Germany.
We have strong connections to both the Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering (College of Engineering) and the Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry (College of Science) at Notre Dame. Our group thus brings together researchers across disciplinary boundaries, departments, and colleges. In addition, we are closely associated with Notre Dame's Berthiaume Institute for Precision Health, one of the inaugural strategic research initiatives started by the University in 2008. With its sights set on treating diseases with personalized medication in the future, the BIPH actively seeks out ways in which various diseases can be identified at the molecular level. With this information, one's personalized treatment will have the best chance at success, lower trial-and-error rates, fewer side effects, and more precision. The group is also closely connected with the Center for Bioanalytic Metrology, partially led by Dr. Bohn. This center brings together researchers from Purdue University, Indiana University, the University of Notre Dame, and those from about 15 life science and biotechnology partners and approximately 6 analytical instrumentation partners, creating an ecosystem for innovation.
October 2022
Congratulations to Julius Reitemeier on passing his ARP on October 12; onward and upward! Well done, Julius.
After a busy summer and start to the new academic year, Dr. Bohn travels this month to the University of Texas, Austin, to present a fall seminar, and he will close out the month with the Midwest Universities Analytical Chemistry Conference 2022 in Cincinnati. Several papers are forthcoming from our group; stay tuned!
June 2022
June witnessed the departure of our esteemed assistant research professor, Vignesh Sundaresan, as he moved to the University of Mississippi to assume an assistant professorship. Even though he is gone, Dr. Sundaresan continues to collaborate with several of our researchers on projects, and we enjoy our continued partnership.
May 2022
The Bohn Group congratulates Christiana Oh on the successful defense of her dissertation this month! Dr. Oh will be taking a position with Eli Lilly in June, and we will dearly miss her kindness and conscientiousness in our labs. We wish you the best, Christiana, and know that we will hear of your accomplishments in the future!
April 2022
April found Dr. Bohn on the road for the spring meeting of the Center for Bioanalytic Metrology and a seminar at Wayne State University.
March 2022
This month, colleague Seol Baek begins a new chapter of her career as she departs the Bohn Group for a postdoctoral position with the White Research Group at the University of Utah. We send her off with sincere congratulations and best wishes, and we look forward to a promised ski reunion where Seol will show off her expert snowboarding skills!
Seol may be changing labs, but her work continues apace. Her latest research can be found in Current Opinion in Electrochemistry:
Also out this month, with contributions from Bohn Group researchers:
February 2022
Congratulations to Meredith Lee on passing her OCE! Well done, Meredith!
Cheers to Seol Baek on the publication of her latest manuscript, “Electrochemical Zero Mode Waveguide Potential-Dependent Fluorescence of Glutathione Reductase at Single Molecule Occupancy.” You can read this research in Analytical Chemistry.
January 2022
The BRG entered the new year ready for fresh discoveries and eager to press on with our research. Christiana Oh's latest contributions can be found in the Journal of the Electrochemical Society, where she teamed up with colleague Bumjun Park to study "Coupling of 3D Porous Hosts for Li Metal Battery Anodes with Viscous Polymer Electrolytes."
December 2021
We congratulate Jin Jia on his appointment to Postdoctoral Fellow in the Odom Group at Northwestern University's Department of Chemistry. Jin will begin his new position on January 1 and leaves with our heartfelt best wishes for success in this next stage of his career. We will miss you, Jin!
You can read Seol Baek's latest research in Faraday Discussions. This article is part of the themed collection "Next Generation Nanoelectrochemistry."
Also out this month is Anne Do's research paper on Myxococcus xanthus, published in Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry:
Check out the mini-review "Electrochemical and spectroelectrochemical characterization of bacteria and bacterial systems" authored by Vig Sundaresan and Anne Do. You can find the publication in RSC's Analyst this month.
November 2021
November 22 found the Bohn Group celebrating with colleague Seol Baek after she successfully defended her PhD dissertation, entitled "Selective Ion Transport Control and Single Molecule Dynamics in Nanopore Electrode Arrays." Cheers and congratulations to you, Dr. Baek!
October 2021
Congratulations to our Fearless Leader for once again making The Analytical Scientist's "Power List" of the 100 most influential analytical scientists worldwide! 2021 marks the third time Dr. Bohn has been selected for this recognition.
Jin Jia's paper on using nanopore electrode arrays to extract and detect bacterial metabolites has been published in Analytical Chemistry. Congrats, Jin!
August 2021
Two more articles have been published this month by the group. Congratulations to Christiana Oh and to Vig Sundaresan and Allison Cutri for their fine work:
"Potential dependent spectroelectrochemistry of electrofluorogenic dyes on indium-tin oxide" - Electrochemical Science Advances, Sundaresan, Cutri et al.
"Electrochemical Immunosensing of Interleukin‑6 in Human Cerebrospinal Fluid and Human Serum as an Early Biomarker for Traumatic Brain Injury" - ACS Measurement Sciences Au, Oh et al.
Christiana Oh was profiled in the latest issue of Notre Dame's Scientia, where she discussed the importance of cytokine storm detection in preventing coronavirus deaths: